
Five ways to keep to your New Year fitness plan

New Year Fitness

Five ways to keep to your New Year fitness plan

Everywhere we turn at the beginning of the year we find ‘New Year – New You’ advertising and promotions encouraging us to get fit and get healthy.

Whilst a New Year is a wonderful time to make a fresh start, simply saying, “Right, I’m going to lose weight and get fit,” is perhaps, a bit too vague.

Here then, we have five ways to help you maintain your New Year fitness resolution.

1. Make it a habit, not a chore

The aim is to make exercise not something that you feel you ‘should’ do, but instead the thing you ‘naturally’ do. Make it, therefore, a set part of your weekly or daily routine and carve out a time commitment. Start by making small, initial changes and then build things up until exercise becomes just something that you do, without really thinking about it.

2. Identify achievable goals

The key word here is ‘achievable’. Sure, you’re challenging yourself, but the main thing is to set targets that are not too daunting. If you’re starting from scratch you may aim to lose a small amount of weight, run or swim a short distance, or workout at the gym one or two days a week. Keep a record and log all your activity in a place where you’ll be seeing it a number of times each day. This will help you achieve your goals which you can then build on for the next stage.

3. Tell people all about it

If you spend most of the day telling people at work (or you’ve posted on Facebook or Twitter that…), ‘I’m going for a swim this evening at 7 pm,’ it’s highly likely, that come 7.10pm you’ll be in the pool!

4. Find some friends

Finding a mate to do this with or joining a local club or class with weekly sessions, is a great way to find support along the way.

5. Reward yourself

To both congratulate yourself and remind you that you’ve achieved a goal, you could buy yourself something you’ve wanted for a while or even better (because this is all about taking care of and improving your body) treat yourself to a professional massage.

A professional massage will enhance and support your exercise plan and is also a wonderful way to help you feel better about (and happier in!) your body.

So, why not set your fitness goal now, and give us a call?!

Hands on at Work is the premier provider of highly-qualified on-site massage in Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and the West Midlands.

Start your de-stress now and call us on 07989 367669 or email info@handsonatwork.co.uk