06 Jan New year, new services
Did you know that Hands On At Work has been established for 13 years in 2023?
When the company was set-up, our primary offering was workplace massage, reflexology, and couch massage.
As the years have progressed, working life has changed. With businesses offering flexible and remote working, wellbeing has become a must do for the welfare for employees, rather than a tick box exercise and with the closure of workplaces due to the pandemic, we knew we had to adapt and review the services we offered.
We have been working hard the last couple of months, developing relationships with selective partners, and Hands On At Work are now able to offer even more wellbeing services in your workplace, whether that’s in the office, at home or online. Excited!
> Pilates
> Yoga
> Mental Health First Aider Training
> Health Checks
> Nutritional webinars (with a range of different topics)
> Lunch and Learns (with a range of different topics)
> Managing the Menopause
> Men’s Mental Health
> Gut, Health & Digestion
> Transgender Training
If you’d like more information on any of the services mentioned above then, please contact us on info@handsonatwork.co.uk.