
The sporting activities that benefit from massage

The sporting activities that benefit from massage

The sporting activities that benefit from massage

For some people massage is simply something they indulge in from time to time as a pleasurable and relaxing treat.

If you enjoy playing sport of any kind however, massage could help you improve your performance.

Building a planned massage programme into your health, fitness and sports regime can bring significant benefits such as helping you gain sustainable physical endurance, help you hit those time targets and ‘personal bests’ and prevent and alleviate injury.

A regular sports massage will increase the mobility and flexibility of your joints, ligaments, tendons and muscle tissue, and can help to correct muscular imbalances.

Massage can also help with general stress relief which will enable you to prepare mentally for a physical challenge.

A big worry for many athletes (even non-professionals ‘hobby’ athletes) is that muscle disparity may develop over a period of time resulting in a nagging discomfort or even pain.

On one level this may simply be an annoyance that impedes performance but it is also possible that more serious long-term consequences could result. If in doubt, do seek medical advice.

Sporting activities that massage will support include running and general athletics, swimming, cycling, ball games such as football, cricket, basketball, rugby and hockey and racquet games such as squash and tennis.

Indeed, massage can help with any physical activity that challenges your muscles and asks them to perform.

To find out more about the relationship between massage and sport, call Hands on at Work – the premier provider of highly-qualified massage in Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and the West Midlands.

Our number is 07989 367669.

You can also email info@handsonatwork.co.uk